A Short Dvar Torah: Tetzaveh:

In 28:6, Rashi goes to lengths teaching exactly how the Eifod, Avnet, Avnei Shoham, Choshem and other things were connected to each other. He says ‘If I were to explain the construction of the Ephod and the Breastplate according to the order of the verses, their description would be fragmented and the reader may err when piecing the details together. I am therefore writing here their construction in full, in order that the reader may be able to read it quickly and easily, and afterwards I will explain it in the order of the verses.’ (From Chabad.org) If Rashi is so concerned about people misunderstanding  something - how much more so should we, when we teach something. This is hinted to in Pirkei Avos (1:11)  - ‘Avtalion would say: Chachamim, be careful with what you say (/ teach), because maybe you’ll say something, and your students will interpret them wrong, and they will be Chayav Misah - and there will be a Chilul Hashem’ - and then there will be another Chilul Hashem - because when someone makes a Chilul Hashem - even by mistake - they’re Chayav Misah - which will also be a Chilul Hashem, because people will say ‘Look what happens to Talmidei Chachamim - they’re all Chayav Misah’. So, we learn just how careful we need to be about people misunderstanding us when we teach.

By Ari Shagalow.

The Service of Yisrael compared to Ya’akov

Thus, there is a definite distinction between the two names. Likkutei Torah goes on to explain – saying that Yaakov, while of course, never committing to acts of evil (for “HaShem does not perceive sin within Ya’akov), neither through thought, speech or action, still had the struggle of the yetzer hara, which was completely eradicated within Yisrael.

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The Messengers of Yaakov

At the beginning of Parashat Vayishlach, Yaakov Avinu sends messengers to see what Esav was planning and what his intentions were. Some say that the people that Yaackov Avinu sent were human, while others suggest that Yaackov Avinu sent Melachim.

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What is Your Name?

When the angel wrestled with Yaakov, the angel asked Yaakov a peculiar questionוַיֹּ֥אמֶר אֵלָ֖יו מַה־שְּׁמֶ֑ךָ ׃ — What is your name? Didn’t the angel already know Yaakov’s name?

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Sichot from the Lubavitcher Rebbe

Ya’akov was put into the disgusting and lowly Charan, of which the Chachamim describe “the city of HaShem’s fierce anger”. The parasha starts with ויצא יעקב – Ya’akov went out, meaning going out into the galut of Charan.

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Yaakov's Spiritual Journey to Haran

Why did Yaakov Avinu, upon waking from his dream of the ladder that connected the earth with Shamayim and with the Melachim that were ascending and descending the ladder, say, "Surely HaShem is in this place, and I did not know it"? 

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