Calling all Yehudim in the healing professions: Sundays at 7:30 AM in the Bet Midrash of Etz Ahaim--Rav Tal will be teaching a Torah text on the writings of the medical writings of the Rambam and how they are still relevant to healing today. Please find a link to the text we’re studying. Print it out and bring it to class.
Painting by Mira Eisen, in her Shofar in Jerusalem oil-on-canvas painting. Used with permission
Hilchot Yom Kippur by Yeshivat Mital HaShamayim
On behalf of Yeshivat Mital haShamayim, we are beyond excited to release this Halachic guide for Etz Ahaim’s Yom Kippur needs. May this year, 5785, be filled with bracha and may we merit the coming of Mashiach speedily and soon.
A special thanks to Yitzhak and Ariel Reichmann, Aharon Shagalow Yitzhak Tal and Rafael Tirat-Gefen for bringing life to the yeshiva with continuous note-taking in which immensly helped make this pamphlet possible.
And we would never be able to do it without the Rosh haYeshiva, Rav. Tal who is the light of Etz Ahaim and our yeshiva - having patience with us and helping to understand.
Pas Yisroel in Vaad-Certified Establishments as is relevant to Aseres Y’mei HaTeshuvah
Message From the Vaad
Many individuals are stringent during the Aseres Y’mei HaTeshuvah to eat only Pas Yisroel, as recommended by the Shulchan Oruch (O.C. 603:1). The following is a summary of the status of items in the stores that are under our Vaad’s supervision, so that customers can make an informed choice:
Bridge – All baked items in the store are Pas Yisroel.
China Lee – Hot dog and hamburger buns, Moo-Shu wraps (pancakes), and fortune cookies are not Pas Yisroel. The crispy chow mein noodles and spring rolls are acceptable. The strawberry shortcake cake is Pas Yisroel.
Crunch Café – The pizza and sandwiches are not Pas Yisroel. The croissants, cookies, cakes, pastries and croutons are all Pas Yisroel
Dairy Deluxe – The regular ice cream cones and cookies (whole and crushed) are not Pas Yisroel. Sugar cones and waffle cones are acceptable
Dunkin’ Donuts – The bagels, croissants, waffles, muffins, tortillas, sourdough bread, cookies and cakes are not Pas Yisroel. Sugar cones, and doughnuts are acceptable.
From Sweets to Nuts – Chocolates containing grain are Pas Yisroel.
Giddy’s Pizza and Café – All baked items in the store are Pas Yisroel.
Glatt 27 –All bread items from the deli counter are Pas Yisroel and well as many packaged breads and cakes in the store. However, there are a few packaged breads and cakes that are not Pas Yisroel. The general rule is that factory packaged items that are Pas Yisroel will be labeled as such.
Mordy’s Bakery – All baked items in the entire store (both bakery and café) are Pas Yisroel.
Rita’s Ices – The regular ice cream cones and cookies (whole and crushed) are not Pas Yisroel. Sugar cones and waffle cones are acceptable.
Looking for Sukkah Volunteers
It Takes a Village a neighborhood organization, is looking for volunteers who can help single parents who need assistance in building their Sukkah. Please help spread this message as they have not yet been able to find many volunteers, and there is a great need.
If you are able to help, please contact Julia Jaman at (917) 847-0171.
Thank you, and wishing you a Ksiva V’Chasima Tova.
The Passing of Rabbi Dr. Israel Rivkin
September 26, 2024
23 Elul 5784
Dear Friends
This past week has seen an incredible individual, some might think he was larger than life, pass away after a lifetime of Chesed and leadership to the Jewish community. He was a mentor to me and has made an indelible impression on my career of Jewish communal service.
We will miss Rabbi Dr. Israel Rivkin, Z" L, otherwise known as SJ or SuperJew. From the moment I came to the Edison-Highland Park community twenty-six years ago, he was always asking me to do things for the benefit of others. He was the consummate Askan who cared for individuals and community alike. At times when we collaborated on an issue, a day wouldn't go by without receiving a call or email from Super Jew.
His passion and persistence in assisting others was legendary and helped shape my outlook on Askanus as well. The ROC was founded during the height of Covid-19 (as he always reminded me to call it accurately), on his back deck, so we could remain socially distant and yet meet face to face. His influence on the organization helped mold it into the success that it is, and for that, The ROC of NJ-Chesed & Parnossa Network is eternally grateful.
The passing of this tremendously talented and devoted individual, a person who influenced the lives of countless people throughout his years of leadership to the Klal, has left our generation now bereft of his presence and impact. Therefore, The ROC of New Jersey- Chesed & Parnossa Network, will pay tribute to his contributions to our organization, by dedicating our activities in the upcoming year of 5785, L'ylui Nishmaso.
May he be a Meilitz Yosher in Heaven Above, for his family, our organization, our community, and all of Klal Yisroel.
Josh Pruzansky
Order Your Lulav and Etrog Now
Rabbi Shimoni is once again making lulav and etrogim available in our community. The prices are the same as last year. Chazan Ish etrogim, Muucharim etrogim, and Deri Lulavim are available. Download the form and send it into Rabbi Shimoni.
Pick up your order by October 16th, Erev Sukkot, at 431 Raritan Avenue, where the old bike shop use to be.
Sorry, cash and checks only. We thank you for your understanding.
Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur Schedule
CEMETERY Visits — Sunday, September 29
Meet at Etz Ahaim Cemetary, New Brunswick: 11:30am — 12:00pm
Meet at Floral Park Cemetary: 1:30pm
Rosh Hashanah Evening — Wednesday, October 2
Seliḥot and Shaḥarit: 6:00am
Hatarat Nedarim: 7:10am
Minḥa and Arvit: 6:40pm
Candle Lighting: 6:19pm
First Day of Rosh Hashanah — THursday, October 3
Youth Program (Ages 3 to 8): 10:00am to 1:00pm
Korbanot: 8:30am
Hodu: 8:45am
Shofer: 12:15pm
Second Shofer Blowing: 6:10pm
Tashlich (Donaldson Park Boat Ramp): 5:10pm
Minḥa and Arvit: 6:20pm
Candle Lighting: after 7:03pm (No cooking until after candle lighting)
Second Day of Rosh Hashanah — Friday, October 4
Youth Program (Ages 3 to 8): 10:00am to 1:00pm
Korbanot: 8:30am
Hodu: 8:45am
Shofar: 12:15pm
Makeup Shofer Blowing: 5:15pm
Minḥa, Kabbalat Shabbat, and Arvit: 6:20pm
Shabbat Candle Lighting: 6:15pm
Shabbat Shuva, Parashat Haazinu — October 5
Youth Program (Ages 3 to 8): 10:00am to 1:00pm
Shaḥarit: 8:45am
Minḥa and Seudah Shelishit: 5:50pm
Shabbat Ends: 7:00pm
Fast of Gedaliah — Sunday, October 6
Fast Begins: 5:39am
Seliḥot and Shaḥarit: 7:15am
Minḥa and Arvit: 6:05pm
Fast Ends: 6:58pm
Yom Kippur/Shabbat Evening — Friday, October 11
Selichot and Shacharit: 5:50am.
Hatarat Nedarim: 7:20am.
Mincha: 2:00pm
Fast Starts and Candle Lighting: 6:04pm
Kabbalat Shabbat and Kal Nidre: 6:15pm
Yom Kippur Day — Saturday, October 12
Youth Program (3 to 8 Years Old): 10:30am to 1:30pm
Akeidat Yitzchak: 8:30am
Hodu: 8:45am
Sermon: 11:45am
Yizkor: 12:30pm
Mincha: 3:40pm
Ne'ilah: 5:40pm
Shofar Followed by Arvit: 7:02pm
Fast Ends: 7:021pm
Hashem Gives Special Blessings to those who come on time!
Shimini Atzeret/Simchat Torah Schedule
Erev Sukkot — Wednesday, October 16
Shaḥarit: 6:30am
Minḥa and Arvit: 6:00pm
Candle Lighting: 5:57pm
First Day of Sukkot — THursday, October 17
Shaḥarit: 8:45am
Minḥa and Arvit: 6:00pm
Candle Lighting: after 6:43pm (No cooking until candle lighting)
Second Day of Sukkot — Friday, October 18
Shaḥarit: 8:45am
Minḥa, Kabalot Shabbat, and Arvit: 5:50pm
Candle Lighting: 5:54pm
Shabbat Sukkot — Saturday, October 19
Shaḥarit: 8:45pm
Followed by Kiddush Sponsored by the Daughters of Etz Ahaim
Minḥa and Arvit: 6:00pm
Shabbat Ends: 6:39pm
Hoshannah Rabbah Night — Tuesday, October 22
Tikkun/Learning Program: 11:30pm
Erev Shemini Atzeret — Wednesday, October 23
Shaḥarit: 6:30am
Minḥa and Arvit: 5:45pm
Candle Lighting: 5:47pm
Shemini Atzeret — Thursday, October 24
Shaḥarit: 8:45am
Yizkor: 10:30am
Minḥa and Arvit: 5:45pm
Followed by Dancing, Kiddush, and FestivitiesCandle Lighting: after 6:33pm (no cooking until candle lighting)
SimḤat Torah — Friday, October 25
Shaḥarit: 8:45am
Followed by Kiddush and Hakafot (Special Hakafa for our brothers and sisters murdered on October 7)
Second Hakafot: 5:30pm
Minḥa, Kabbalat Shabbat, and Arvit: 5:40pm
Candle Lighting: 5:54pm
Community Wide Learning Initiative and Siyum
Dear Friends,
This past year has been one of the most difficult periods in recent Jewish history. The ferocious attack on Israel on Simchas Torah 5784 and the war in its aftermath have turned our world upside-down, and galvanized us as a broader Jewish family. In light of the threat being faced both in Israel and abroad, it is more important than ever for us to find opportunities to grow together, in solidarity.
In that spirit, we’d like to encourage you to participate in a communal learning initiative that will begin on Rosh Hashanah and conclude on Shmini Atzeres. The goal is to complete Shas Mishnayos as well as Chamisha Chumshei Torah and Sefer Yehoshua in memory of all those tragically murdered on that fateful day.
The learning has been divided up between Ahavas Achim, Ahavas Yisrael, Etz Ahaim, Ohav Emeth, Ohr Torah, and Young Israel of East Brunswick,. Each shul will complete one Seder of Mishnayos, one book from Tanach, and will make their own siyum on Shemini Atzeres.
Sign up at the link below:
We hope that our communal learning initiative will serve as an Iluy for the Neshamos of those who were tragically taken from us and a meaningful way to honor their memories. May our learning also serve as a Tefilla to Hashem to bring victory to Am Yisrael and the safe return of the hostages.
Rabbi Yehoshua Hess
Rabbi Gedaliah Jaffe
Rabbi Eliyahu Kaufman
Rabbi Sariel Malitzky
Rabbi Steven Miodownik
Rabbi Eliyahu Tal
Selichot Services Starting September 5, 2024
Seleichot Services will start on Thursday, September 5 and will go through to Yom Kippur. Selichot will start on Weekdays at 5:50am followed by Shacharit at 6:30pm. Selichot on Sunday is at 7:15am followed by Shacharit at 8:00am.